Churches Together
Churches in Rugby work together under the name of Revive.
Revive includes over 20 churches of various traditions working well together to share God's love in Rugby.
Hope4 is a local charity for helping homeless and badly-off people in Rugby. It runs the Hope Centre, Hope4, the Winter Shelter, and supports the Rugby Foodbank.
Rugby Foodbank opened March 2012, in association with the Trussell Trust, and is supported by congregation members from RMCC.
You can access the food bank at the following address and times.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 12.30 - 3.00pm
Lawn & Retreat (next to Benn Hall),
Newbold Road
CV21 2LN
For more details please see the Rugby Foodbank website.
We support Gift of Years, commissioned by Revive Rugby, which offers pastoral and spiritual care of residents, relatives and staff in residential care homes for older people.
We support Rugby Youth for Christ and their work in local schools.
We also support Bilton House providing residential care for the elderly.
Christians against Poverty is a Christian charity that provides free debt help with anyone in debt. A national charity but help is available locally, in Rugby. More information about CAP here.